October 12, 2019

“Can you really rule out the possibility that the president will one day say the same thing about Israel? That we won’t hear in a few months something along the lines of: ‘They didn’t help us in Iraq or Afghanistan or in Korea. The Israelis just take our money and fight for their land’?

What Trump has done to the Kurds is for Iran the icing on the cake. It not only shows that the US under Trump will not embark on military adventures, but that it will also stand by idly as its ally faces death and destruction at the hands of the Turks.”

Jerusalem Post
October 12, 2019

“(T)he US under Trump…(will) stand by idly as its ally faces death and destruction at the hands of the Turks.”

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Geopolitical reputation risk is the peril of economic and political (aka soft power) loss from angry disappointed stakeholders.

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Risk governance and management, risk financing in insurance captives, and risk transfer through reputation insurances comprise the constituent elements of a comprehensive enterprise reputation risk solution.

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