Predict Reputation Risk

See also:

Our Resilience Monitor, a predictive report:

Provides foresight for governance, recommended actions for risk management, and metrics for controls and benchmarking based on a clients’ stakeholders’ mood and behaviors inferred from forward-looking data of financial expectations. 
Determines the likely scale of damage should an adverse event occur—a self-limiting (insurable) loss or an outsized costly conflagration that strategically should be be mitigated with preemptive risk management and communications.
Benchmarks a company’s reputation value and drivers against its own historic values (operational controls) as well as values of sector and bespoke peers from a pool of 8,000 companies, collected weekly for more than 22 years. There is no broader, or more current dataset on corporate reputation value and strategic risk anywhere, offered by anyone.

Our Resilience Monitor provides timely quantitative measurements on stakeholder signals for better strategic risk management.

Α Resilience Monitor comprises a 10-page graphic and a 4-page narrative highlighting key enterprise risk insights that your Board and C-suite will appreciate and value.

  • Data are logically grouped to simplify internal communications:
    • Strategic risk environment
    • Expectations for P&L and equity impact
    • Reputation value controls
    • Benchmarking

Crises aren’t surprises if you know where to look for clues.

Stakeholders usually express their concerns or unease—indications that they are primed to an emotional shift in expectations— in their day-to-day interactions with a firm. Knowing when stakeholders are significantly agitated can help predict when an adverse operational, financial, or ESG event is likely to trigger an outsized response that can threaten enterprise value. 

Reputation crises for most firms in most sectors are a general form of the financial sector’s “run on a bank.” All is good “business as usual” until a latent crisis is triggered, and then the consequential costs of reputation rehabilitation and restoration damage can be extensive. Unfortunately, reputation is like fine China—easily broken and even if mended, everyone keeps staring at the cracks.

Better risk measurement fosters better risk management.

Stakeholder behaviors create reputation value. Combining inference, artificial intelligence, and big data on the expected value of these types of stakeholder behaviors, Steel City Re created a practical value-based model of reputation health risk and a means to monitor resilience.

We’ve been calculating measures of reputation value for around 8000 companies every week since 2001. These financially-based reputation value and health measures fill a critical informational gap in the worlds of asset management (INDEXCME:REPUVAR), risk & insurance, marketing, communications, investor relations, and compliance.