5-Minute Adventures in Risk & Resilience: The Podcast
Reputation Spearheads Resilience at a $150bn Financial Services Company: You Don’t Have to Win A Nobel Prize To Benefit From One: In this episode, Morgan Stanley’s reputation crisis from 2011-2013 persuades reputation risk counsel that insurance-linked process transparency can strengthen financial resilience.
Click on the image above to listen to the podcast. Runtime 00:05:01
This podcast is based on a true story. Background data to the true story including the value at risk, return on an investment, and how Steel City Re’s solutions strengthen financial resilience are in the sidebar attached to the narrative. Click here.
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About this program. In our world of polycrises, perils are complex, interconnected, and costly. Gone are the days when reputation damage could be offset by insurance and apologetic communications. With business viability in jeopardy, strategic risk professionals are preemptively building programs to identify reputation exposures in operations and governance, closely measure stakeholder passions, and communicate operational foresight and resilience with the imprimatur of third-party parametric reputation insurance. Each 5-Minute Adventures in Risk & Resilience story takes you into the boardrooms and conversations where these successful strategies are being devised.
With reputation risk forecasting, management, and insurance, Steel City Re helps companies build and prove to stakeholders their thoughtful risk management and dutiful governance over all that is mission-critical. It is an authenticated story stakeholders can appreciate and value.