
May 1, 2023

CEOs Going Viral Starbucks

CEOs Going Viral. Starbucks founder Howard Schultz recently clashed with Sen. Bernie Sanders “There being nothing to surprise their respective stakeholders, raise their emotional states, and shift their prior expectations, I don’t think there was any material reputational impact to anyone,” Kossovsky wrote.

April 10, 2023

In times of panic — think Southwest Airlines, Norfolk Southern, and Silicon Valley Bank — investor moxie may give way to stock share dumps.

Panic and stock share dump. Thriving in a tornado corridor or flood plain demands fortitude and a reliable risk strategy. The same goes for investing in equity markets. In times of panic — think Southwest Airlines, Norfolk Southern and Silicon Valley Bank — investor moxie may give way to stock share dumps. […] Integrated processes, timely intelligence and good risk communications will help investors appreciate and value risk strategies and not panic.

February 28, 2023

Companies need an authenticated forward-looking oversight process to manage risk strategically.

“For the first time since its landmark Caremark decision, the Delaware Chancery Court has allowed a breach of oversight claim to proceed against a corporate officer when it declined to dismiss claims brought by stockholders against David Fairhurst, McDonald’s former head of human resources…”.[kos] The bottom line is that law and society are expecting better management and oversight—a touch of common sense many would say—and that disappointment (read, shift in expectations leading to anger and disappointment, aka, reputation crisis) is playing out in the courts….Companies and boards need a solid, universally applicable management and oversight process that is forward-looking to manage risk strategically. The quality of that process needs to be proactively authenticated with insurance. Compliance-focused controls, which by design are backward looking—and the audits that authenticate them—are necessary but with the evolving expectations of society, apparently no longer sufficient.

February 21, 2023

Thoughtful Risk Management and Dutiful Oversight Agenda

The settlement with Activision Blizzard could have widespread implications for how companies choose to manage risk, according to Nir Kossovsky, CEO of Steel City Re, which provides insurance for reputation and assists companies in establishing risk management functions. Kossovsky said that companies should create “reputation risk leadership committees” composed of representatives from “every silo” of the company that interacts with a critical stakeholder group…“No one can argue with thoughtful risk management and dutiful oversight, but you need a demonstrable, effective process to make that claim.”

January 24, 2023

Building resilience requires a demonstrably effective, insurance-authenticated system.

Risk Strategy Authentication and Communication.If you oversee an effective reputation risk strategy process, but no one knows it, is it actually effective? This is a vital question boards of directors, senior executives, and risk professionals need to ask themselves in this era of enhanced regulatory enforcement. Building resilience requires a demonstrably effective, insurance-authenticated system.

January 9, 2023

Culture limits risk strategy. “The reputational damage may lead to more volatility…according to Nir Kossovsky, CEO of reputation risk insurer Steel City Re.”

Culture limits risk strategy. Southwest was overwhelmed and unable to adapt as a severe storm swept the US. But behind those specific issues is an insular management team that critics say lacks the imagination and technology expertise to help avoid such crises. […] The carrier has a long-standing reputation of being slow to adopt new technology, and spent years implementing a new reservation system and updating its maintenance operations.

July 23, 2022

Managing corporate reputation is a lot like mixing a cocktail. Both activities embody the same mission-critical principles: authenticated thoughtful risk management and dutiful governance over everything that is mission critical. Everything in the process is #strategic. At the tactical level, the process begins by understanding what stakeholders expect; and understanding that an effective risk management system comprises risk education and threat intelligence, management, and transfer processes (aka insurance) involving the entire enterprise risk management apparatus bounded by the organizations capabilities.

Managing corporate reputation is a lot like mixing a cocktail. Both activities embody the same mission-critical principles: authenticated thoughtful risk management and dutiful governance over everything that is mission critical. Everything in the process is #strategic. At the tactical level, the process begins by understanding what stakeholders expect; and understanding that an effective risk management system comprises risk education and threat intelligence, management, and transfer processes (aka insurance) involving the entire enterprise risk management apparatus bounded by the organizations capabilities.