April 20, 2024
Reputation arbitrage premium: The reputation premium-seeking RepuSPX is out-performing the S&P500 Index by 382.16%
Reputation arbitrage premium: The reputation premium-seeking RepuSPX is out-performing the S&P500 Index by 382.16%
The reputation premium-seeking RepuSPX is out-performing the S&P500 Index by 397.14; basically, arbitraging reputation value and stock price. All of Steel City Re’s quantitative risk management and insurance solutions are informed by the metrics of these indices. Is the quality of your risk management authenticated by reputation insurance?
Reputation value arbitrage. The reputation premium-seeking RepuSPX is out-performing the S&P500 Index by 414.86%
Steel City Re’s reputation metrics help demonstrate effective risk management and dutiful governance over mission-critical ESG. There are several equity portfolios that attest to the informational value of those metrics. The reputation premium-seeking RepuSPX is out-performing the S&P500 Index by 413.18%
SteelCity Re’s reputation premium-seeking RepuSPX equity portfolio is out-performing the S&P500 Index by 421.16%
”The reputation premium-seeking RepuSPX is out-performing the S&P500 Index by 393.55%.”
Steel City Re’s reputation metrics help demonstrate effective risk management and dutiful governance over mission-critical ESG.
Is insurance-authentication in your risk strategy?
Reputation Arbitrage October 2022. The reputation premium-seeking RepuSPX is out-performing the S&P500 Index by 384.39%. The trailing twelve month spreads over the S&P500 of the three reputation-linked indices comprising RepuStars Variety Corporate Reputation Composite Equity Index family range from 1.09% to 3.19%. The trailing twelve month return spread between the two reputation-based price-only indices, REPUVAR and REPUSPX, is at a low of 2.1%. All three indices are outperforming the S&P500 this calendar year.