Industrials & Technology

February 5, 2024

Nir Kossovsky, CEO of Steel City Re, an insurance provider for reputational risk, said his firm’s Reputation Resilience Monitor for Tesla indicated little concern about Musk’s pay package, but real concern about the firm’s cost of operations, declining net income and future prospects. […] “However, should stakeholders become excitable, then any incident — even another round on the pay package — could trigger a shift in their expectations from fandom-level support to anger and disappointment,” he said.

Nir Kossovsky, CEO of Steel City Re, an insurance provider for reputational risk, said his firm’s Reputation Resilience Monitor for Tesla indicated little concern about Musk’s pay package, but real concern about the firm’s cost of operations, declining net income and future prospects. […] “However, should stakeholders become excitable, then any incident — even another round on the pay package — could trigger a shift in their expectations from fandom-level support to anger and disappointment,” he said.

March 16, 2023

Child labor in supply chains. Think about reputation risk management now as a potential differentiator and a competitive advantage.

The U.S. Department of Labor has now launched an investigation and said it will hold not only companies that employ child labor accountable, but the larger, better known companies that have child labor in their supply chains. The new regulatory stakeholders in companies’ supply chains bring with them investors and litigators, who had material financial consequences to activities already being followed by activists.

February 21, 2023

Thoughtful Risk Management and Dutiful Oversight Agenda

The settlement with Activision Blizzard could have widespread implications for how companies choose to manage risk, according to Nir Kossovsky, CEO of Steel City Re, which provides insurance for reputation and assists companies in establishing risk management functions. Kossovsky said that companies should create “reputation risk leadership committees” composed of representatives from “every silo” of the company that interacts with a critical stakeholder group…“No one can argue with thoughtful risk management and dutiful oversight, but you need a demonstrable, effective process to make that claim.”

January 10, 2023

Even the excellent risk management of a fabled pharmaceutical company was challenged by the velocity of social media-amplified risk.

The military, and many corporate leaders, think in terms of an ‘OODA loop’ — the amount of time it takes to Observe, Orient, Decide and Act. We live in an era where weaponized social media has compressed OODA time frame for reputation risk management dramatically, especially when institutional investors are on tenterhooks.